

Presentation about Costa Rican wildlife

We are going to present a lecture "Costa Rica - among jungles, volcanoes and savannas" on 9.11.2011 (Wednesday) from 18:30h in hall 105 of the Faculty of Biology, Sofia University. The talk is within the frames of "Biodiversity Conservation" course organized by the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation. Entrance free.


Participation of ours in Video Competition of WWF

"Birding. Hobby or Mission?" is the title of the video clip, which we are taking part with in the international WWF Video Competition "Life. Nature. You. Make the Connection".


Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor)

New species in "Birds" section of the PHOTO gallery - upload of 35 photos of Tricolored Heron from Las Baulas National Marine Park, Costa Rica. [1.10.2011]



Ten video clips uploaded in the VIDEO gallery, some of them showing new species for the gallery like Black-throated Loon, Marsh Tit, Short-toed Treecreeper, Northern Wheatear and Wall Lizard. [28.09.2011]


Common Redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus)

New species in "Birds" section of the PHOTO gallery - upload of 5 photos of female Common Redstart from the International Birding and Research Centre in Eilat (IBRCE), Israel. [10.09.2011]


Red-throated Pipit (Anthus cervinus)

New species in "Birds" section of the PHOTO gallery - upload of 3 photos of Red-throated Pipit from Eilat, Israel. [10.09.2011]


Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus)

New species in "Reptiles" section of the PHOTO gallery - upload of 14 photos of Spectacled Caiman from Tortuguero, Costa Rica. [18.08.2011]


Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius)

New species in "Birds" section of the PHOTO gallery - upload of 3 photos of Spotted Sandpiper from Las Baulas National Marine Park, Costa Rica. [15.08.2011]


Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus)

New species in "Birds" section of the PHOTO gallery - upload of 35 photos of Great-tailed Grackle from Tortuguero, Las Baulas National Marine Park and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE), Costa Rica. [14.08.2011]


Semipalmated Plover (Charadrius semipalmatus)

New species in "Birds" section of the PHOTO gallery - upload of 50 photos of Semipalmated Plover from Las Baulas National Marine Park and Tortuguero, Costa Rica. [12.08.2011]


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